Managing your horse's worms

Managing your horse's worms
Managing your horse's worms

Besides the obvious, (drench resistance that can occur with the overuse of anthelmintic and other well-known systemic chemical parasite controls), using harsh chemicals for preventing/treating worms in your horse causes damage to the lining of the Gastrointestinal System, as well as liver and kidney damage.

Any toxic load on an animal’s system will compromise these organs, as chemicals are cleaned out of the system via the normal metabolic process. Any toxicity not cleared naturally will be stored in fat and released again when the system can finish its processing.
If this is not cleared, the system becomes compromised resulting in lowered immunity, never really catching up its metabolic "housekeeping".

Giving bitter herbs is not popular in our modern age when we all seek treatments which are sweet flavoured and nice to take. There is a place however, for astringent and bitter tonics in digestive system health.

There is no herbal treatment which will kill all worms and register a zero count in a blood test. Worms evolved along with all animals' digestive ecology, and if the horse's general health is properly supported, any infestation will be controlled so that it does the horse no harm.

It is important that you control the exposure of parasites. For that, you should provide your horses a relatively clean pasture/ field and importantly keep the horse stalls clean.

You must keep manure under control especially if you have a high animal population on small acreage. Manure is the perfect transport for worms from one horse to another. Keeping manure under control helps break the lifecycle of the worms, reducing the reliance on chemicals.

Using biodynamic soil sprays, basalt and dolomite to condition the soil is also part of managing the whole system in balance. Encouraging natural forages of lava and eggs is part of well-nourished balanced eco-system and will keep parasite levels in check.

Seasons will help you- frost will kill larvae and arid conditions as well. The danger is warm and wet conditions.

The herb Wormwood was used for hundreds of years to assist in managing worm loads in people and animals alike. This herbal wormer is safe for the host, has no side effects and discourage worms and reproduction by making the animals system healthier.

Herbs can also be used to help detox from the negative effects of chemical drenching, whilst assisting your animal to manage the worm loads. This is a much more realistic target and can be done using a number of different approaches.

McDowells created a mixture of traditional anti-parasitic herbs including Wormwood, Chinese Rhubarb, Tansy, Burdock, Flax Seed, Cloves and Garlic. These herbs work by toning up the wall of the gut, while at the same time helping to expel worms. Regular use leaves the gut healthier than before and more able to manage a natural and harmless worm load. These herbs are steeped in raw apple cider vinegar, and specific dosages are given in a set program over weeks. Aloes, Elecampane and slippery elm powder are also crucial herbs, helping heal damage to the lining of the gut and making the environment and GIT ecology much healthier.

There is no resistance build up, nor chemical residue to deal with.

In conclusion, the best way to manage parasite infestations is to keep paddocks clean, monitor worm burdens , encourage and maintain good gut health with herbs as described above and if required , appropriate chemical drenching .

Timing is everything with drenching. Boticides are best given when the larvae has hatched . I like to worm at the beginning of frost when I know no more bots will come out.

For round worms there is high resistance to the mectins, so you do need a specific chemical to keep on top of these. Most at risk are foals from 6 weeks so an appropriate drenching is again applicable. Seek guidance from your vet or DPI for the best drench to use. Ammo, Strategy T and Equest and Panacur all seem  to deal with the Ascardis ( Round worms) which are resistant to Ivermectin.

In between all this, use herbs to keep your horses healthy all year round – the higher the immunity the better!


McDOWELLS WORMING PROGRAM  ( 3  in 1 bundle )

Our worming protocol consists of Worm-A-Void, Equigesta-Pre and ground millet and linseed.

This tonic may improve gut health by supporting a healthy microbiota and may assist the system to expel worms naturally. Can be also be used as part of a normal drenching rotation program.

Equigesta-Pre contains a combination of pure herbal powders, brewer's yeast and bentonite clay. Traditionally this combination has been used to aid and promote beneficial intestinal microorganisms. Our unique blend can be used daily as an equine prebiotic to support and stimulate the growth and activity of good bacteria in the digestive system.

Millet and Linseed  
Millet contains especially high levels of organic silica compounds as well as carbohydrate and many other minerals. Linseed is a whole feed source of Omega 3 and 6 and Linoleic acids.


The worming program will be sufficient to treat 1 horse for 6 weeks or 2 horses for 3 weeks if using the program as a daily supplement. If using it to treat intensively you can treat up to 6 horses. Guidelines on use are below.

You can use the mix in two ways- one is to do the initial worming, as per the instructions.

Dose 40mls for a horse twelve hourly for 48 hrs. Then 1 dose per week thereafter, mixed in a cup of ground Linseed Meal after fasting overnight.

Alternatively, you can then start giving 20mls x 2 a day and give in a continuum for 6-8 weeks. This is useful in warm wet conditions where worm eggs and larvae in the pasture are particularly active.

You can make use of the moon by doing the 48 hours over the Full Moon – the moon indicates the worms may be more inclined to let go so are therefore expelled more readily.


-Catherine McDowell, 

Director- Herbalist – ATMS 27282

McDowells Herbal

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