Join McDowells Points and get rewarded while you shop.
You'll get 200 points for signing up. What are you waiting for?
You must be logged into your account to receive and redeem points and not checking out as a guest!
Select your items and put them into the cart (points are automatically added to your account for future discount).
Proceed to CHECKOUT to select your shipping method. Please double check your address. Select NEXT.
REVIEW & PAYMENTS, this is the payment and rewards redeeming section. Scroll to the bottom to APPLY REWARDS.
Click the arrow to reveal how many points you have. Below this is a section with 0.00 – type in the number of points you wish to use here and click APPLY REWARD.
Scroll back up and select your PAYMENT METHOD. Your total with your discount from the redeeming of points will appear on the top right of the screen.
(Points are valid for 1 year)