Ear infections can be a very painful condition for dogs, causing inflammation, damage and scaring in the ear canal when not addressed adequately. It can be incredibly frustrating when you have finally resolved one infection, only to find another one starting up.....
Colloidal Silver was used and proven to be effective against hundreds of disease-causing bacterium by the 1940s. Its action as a broad spectrum antibiotic has never been matched by the modern pharmaceuticals in that it produces no drug resistance whatsoever.
Our Colloidal Silver is 12ppm.
Animals: McDowells animal products are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our supplements are offered as support for your animal’s condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in feed, treats or liquid.
Humans: McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.
20mls twice a day unless otherwise directed . Topical use only unless otherwise directed. Note: Colloidal silver can cause side effects if excess amounts are taken internally. Argyria, an extremely rare (there are very few actualy cases) bluish-gray discoloration of the skin, which is usually permanent. Silver can build up in the body’s tissue, causing a bluish-gray discoloration of large areas of skin, especially those exposed to the sun.
For External Animal Use Only