Hemp has been grown for centuries and has a range of uses, including as clothes, paper, rope, food, and even as an industrial building block. But it is also an amazing support to Equine health (and humans too!).
This optimum plant-based hemp nutrition is easy to digest, leading to elevated health in your pet. Customers report a dramatic effect on three primary areas: skin & fur – joints & mobility – mood & anxiety. This is due to naturally occurring cannabinoids plus hemp’s high nutrient content. 100% legal and contains CBD and THC within the legal limit, so you don’t have to worry about pooch or kitty breaking the law!
Whether added to food or used externally, you'll see the difference within a matter of weeks – not only will their coats, ears, eyes, joints, nails and teeth improve, but their mood will be elevated, and they’ll even have better breath! In fact, you’ll notice such a positive difference that you might even suspect the little critter’s high on something...
Most pet foods are basically “fast food” – just like a greasy takeaway. Our little mates scoff it up and love the taste, but they’re not getting the nutrients they need for health and happiness. Almost all commercial animal feed is extremely low quality, and even worse, the majority are full of synthetic vitamins and toxic chemicals which can result in your pet suffering nutritional deficiencies and ongoing health issues. One of the main offenders is fish oil. Hemp Seed Oil is much better than fish oil because it naturally has the perfect Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio (3:1) of essential fatty acids (EFAs) which animals need just the same as humans do. The combination of Omega 6, antioxidants, and plant cholesterol can lead to overall joint health by reducing inflammation, arthritis and painful/damaged joints. It builds a strong immune system and results in enhanced blood circulation. Hemp Seed Oil moisturises skin and fur better than any other substance because it’s herbal and has virtually no side effects. It prevents skin disorders such as dry nose, acne, eczema, rashes and dandruff. It improves heart functions and helps keep your pet’s brain healthy, leading to a longer and happier life. Plus, it can thicken fur texture and lessen shedding, so our animal pals look their best!
Animals: McDowells animal products are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our supplements are offered as support for your animal’s condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in feed, treats or liquid.
Humans: McDowell's staff Herbalists can not diagnose your disease or illness. What they can do is offer a herbal program to assist with healing, after you have had advice from your doctor or specialist. If you have unexplained pain or symptoms, seek medical advice.
Use once daily. Small animals (under 10kg) = 1/4 dropper. Medium animals (10-25kg) = 1/2 dropper. Large animals (25kg+) = 1 dropper. Add directly to food – though if your pet is anything like our dog, they’ll lick it right off the spoon! You’ll soon start to notice a positively glowing coat and any pain or skin conditions will begin to heal. Many of our customers also report a rapid elevation in their pets’ moods, the result being less anxious animals. Hemp Seed Oil For Pets is great for external use. It alleviates dry skin, improves fur & coat, strengthens nails, is great for a sore cracked nose or paws, and helps relieve joint pain.
For Animal Oral Use Only
This optimum plant-based hemp nutrition is easy to digest, leading to elevated health in your pet. This product is 100% legal and contains CBD and THC within the legal limit, so you don’t have to worry about pooch or kitty breaking the law! Customers report a dramatic effect on three primary areas: skin and fur, joints and mobility, along with mood and anxiety.
It is considered a super food that can ease joint pain and inflammation The oils and protein contribute to improving skin and coat health It builds a strong immune system and results in enhanced blood circulation. Unlike soy, nuts and other legumes, hemp does not contain trypsin (enzyme) inhibitors and oligosaccharides, which can cause stomach and gastric upsets Free of phytoestrogens (unlike soy based feeds).
Research is showing that hemp improves joint function due to the properties of the omega fatty acids Hemp Seed Oil moisturises skin and fur better than any other substance It improves heart functions and helps keep your pet’s brain healthy, leading to a longer and happier life Preventing skin disorders such as dry nose, acne, eczema, rashes and dandruff It can thicken fur texture and lessen shedding.
Hemp is not the same as marijuana. Hemp, unlike marijuana, contains a almost no amount of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, the compound that gets you ‘high’. Marijuana does contain THC (0.3% or less). The sale of hemp seed foods was prohibited in Australia until November 2017, when amendments to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards legally permitted their retail sale.
Hempseed oil is typically cold pressed and uses temperatures below 38ºC and does not need to be chemically extracted or refined, making hemp a more stable, and therefore a healthier, option. Hemp seed oil provides not only Omega 3 and Omega 6, but also Omega 9. In addition to this, hemp also contains GLA: gamma linolenic acid. GLA is an omega-6 but unlike other omega 6, GLA ‘produces anti-inflammatory prostaglandins in the body’ ie. hemp seeds are highly anti-inflammatory. It’s highly palatable for animals and can be a cost effective. Naturally occurring cannabinoids plus hemp’s high nutrient content.
For at least the last 12,000 years hemp has been grown and processed for it’s fibres and food products. There are over 7000 different products that can be made from hemp. Hemp seeds have a rich nutrition profile including protein, unsaturated fats, fibre, minerals and vitamins (vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, iron, zinc, B6, among others) Hemp has one of the lowest levels of unsaturated fats and highest level of polyunsaturated fats, compared to other vegetable oils Hemp seeds are very high in protein; around 35%, and contain all of the required amino acids Hemp seed oil provides not only omega-3 and omega-6, but also omega-9 in the most efficient form of any plant oil.
Use once daily. Small animals (under 10kg) = 1/4 dropper. Medium animals (10-25kg) = 1/2 dropper. Large animals (25kg+) = 1 dropper. Add it directly to food but if your pet is anything like our dog, they’ll lick it right off the spoon! You’ll soon start to notice a positively glowing coat and any pain or skin conditions will begin to heal. Many of our customers also report a rapid elevation in their pets’ moods, the result being less anxious animals. Hemp Seed Oil For Pets is great for external use. It alleviates dry skin, improves fur & coat, strengthens nails, is great for a sore cracked nose or paws, and helps relieve joint pain. Always consider the source and quality of the oil as rancidity can be a problem, as with any seeds due to the oils. *For Animal Oral Use Only.